Research Interest Quantum error correction Quantum devices
Quantum error correction is crucial to combat the effects of quantum decoherence. I investigate the potential of using specially tailor-made quantum error correction codes with respect to the constraints that physical systems impose upon us. By having quantum bespoke codes, we can potentially massively reduce the overhead in quantum error correction architecture required in fault-tolerant quantum technologies.
Quantum sensors promise to estimate physical parameters with unprecedented precision. Here, a quantum resource is utilized to measure a signal with known structure but unknown strength. Consumption of quantum resources allows measurements to be made more precise beyond what is classically possible. I like to design robust near-term schemes for quantum metrology with noisy probe states, drawing from my experience in designing bespoke quantum codes, and marry the fields of quantum error correction and quantum metrology. To achieve this, I will leverage on my expertise in functional analysis, optimization theory, coding theory, computer programming and properties of quantum hardware such as superconducting qubits and quantum optics.
Quantum mechanics enhances the precision of measurements. Quantum metrology is a use-case of quantum technologies that promises to allow us to have sensors with unprecedented accuracy. Given my expertise in quantum codes, I investigate quantum metrology through the lenses of quantum coding theory.
A quantum memory is an essential technological primitive for quantum computation and communication. I investigate the potential of boosting the performance of quantum memories using bespoke quantum codes. Of particular note are permutation-invariant quantum codes, which naturally reside in the ground space of any Heisenberg ferromagnet.
I am also interested in quantum cryptography, quantum simulation and quantum information theory.